Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Apples & Ice Cream

Venturing out of the comfort of our taste buds is always an adventure. I usually find the adventure to be worth while, and will prepare to taste new and unexpected foods at friendly gatherings. Parties almost always involve food, so it is best to be hungry!

I recently attended a party/gathering where a friend, lets call him Steve, decided to cook us his Mama's homemade apples and ice cream. Now, let me give you a clear picture of how this went down. Steve was really talking up the apples he was preparing. He boasted the best warm cinnamon apples in town! So needless to say we were all pretty hyped up to try some of the infamous apples.

So the ice cream was served, and Steve dished up the warm apples as the dressing. The smell was divine. The mix of warm and cool temperatures was just right. The general experience was lovely, and fragrant. The only disturbance in the dining experience was the unexpected texture of apple skin!

When I inquired to Steve about the surprise, he explained that he preferred the skins on. So I asked if that was how his mother made it, and I was not shocked to hear that his mother prepared the apples skinless.

After a brief survey of the room, it was decided that his Mama's infamous apples would in fact be best if they were prepared according to the recipe.

1 comment:

  1. So Steve made it into your blog...I'm gonna have to tell him about this :)
